Friday, April 20, 2012

Connected, But Alone Q&A

 i.     Do you agree that technology changes who we are? Why or why not? Explain whether these changes are positive or negative.
I think it does change who we are because we see people on the streets going across the road while texting. It is a negative change because nobody wants to have a conversation anymore.

  ii.     What does “alone together” mean to you?
I think it means that we should listen. People are sitting together but no one is talking. 

iii.     Do you think you are the same person when you text/email/comment that you are in “real life”? Why or why not? Explain.
No we are not because we say things on the computer that we wouldn't say in real life.

  iv.     Would you rather text than talk in a conversation? Why or why not. Explain your thinking.
I would rather talk because then you can get to know someone better instead of texting.

 V.     Do you agree that technology is a form of companionship? Explain.
No I do not agree because you do not know who is on the other end of the conversation.

Connected, But Alone?

    The talk was about how technology and social networking sites can affect the way people talk with each other. She explained how even in board rooms and meetings are texting as well. If we feel lonely then most likely we will play on our phones. In the Ted talk she explained how some companies are making robots that can be like a companion to people who are lonely. I think her talk was amazing and she realizes that people don't want a conversation anymore. My questions are why does she think this will happen? If this is true then what will happen in the future?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Artificial Intelligence KWL Chart

What I Already Know About AI
1. I know that robots are capable of doing almost anything like picking up objects, talking, etc.
2. Some robots are designed to help humans such as in office, household chores, etc.
3. Artificial intelligence are things such as robots, and machines that can think on their own.

What I Want To Know About AI
1. I want to know how they are built, how helpful they are.
2. I want to know how humans can program artificial intelligence.
3. Who invented artificial intelligence and when.

What I Learned About AI
1. Humanoids react like humans.
2. They can respond and communicate.
3. Asimo can remember things like us.
4. It is amazing and it will pay attention.
5. AI is improving and they are getting close to a perfect robot.
6. Robots can do things humans find difficult, like long division.
7. Anytime robots can turn on us and take over our lives.
8. Robots can be designed to be more human like.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

IRobot Summary And Review

IRobot is about a detective in the year 2035 that thinks robots are bad. He finds out one of the robots can disobey the three laws and when the robots turn bad, its up to the detective, doctor Calvin, and Sunny the robot. Together the three of them fight the robots and take down Viki, the security system gone viral. I enjoyed this movie because it was action packed and very exciting. Will Smith plays as Detective Spooner who people think is crazy. The way the camera moved around and how they pulled off the stunts were amazing. One thing I would work on is the way the voices sound, the voices were a bit off time. It was still an excellent movie! I give IRobot 4 out of 5 stars!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Rodney Brooks-Robots Will Take Over The World

I think it was interesting that he brought in the vacuum robot and how he explains how they work. He thinks that robots will take over the world and that they will invade our lives. He made some jokes and they were really funny. I think overall it was really well done.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

All About Robots

  1. Mobile Robots-These robots are able to search areas and can detect life. A good example is The Mars Explorer, it searches for life on Mars.
  2. Rolling Robots-These robots roll around and can carry items and search around. They are good on flat land but find it difficult on rocky terrain.
  3. Walking Robots-These robots can walk on rocky terrain and pick up items as well.
  4. Stationary Robots-This certain robot can do multiple tasks without moving an inch. It especially likes dull and boring tasks and never gets tired.
  5. Autonomous Robots-An autonomous robot is self-sufficient and relies on its own brain. It can decide on tasks based on the choices it has.
  6. Asimo-Asimo is a humanoid robot that looks like an astronaut with a backpack on. It can detect movement and responds like a human.
  7. Albert Hubo-This robot has a natural feel and movement like a human. It also has the head of Albert Einstein.
  8. Big Dog-It is like a robotic dog which can accompany soldiers on rough terrain. It is about a meter long and can carry 56 kilograms.
  9. RHex-It can climb over mud, sand, etc.
  10. WR-07-It is a real transformer. It can change from vehicle mode to humanoid form.

5 Devices That Use AI

  1. Computers
  2. Airplanes
  3. iPhones
  4. Printer
  5. GPS

Intro To Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science which focuses on machines. These machines will engage on human behavior that people consider smart. Artificial Intelligence has astounded humans for over 50 years.

In 2030, I think technology will be very advanced from today. Artificial Intelligence is rapidly evolving, so it will be very advanced. I believe robots will be able to do things for us just by us thinking about it. Cars will be able to drive by themselves. The future will be very advanced!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Largest Bubblegum Bubble Blown

Who was it? Chad Fell
When did it happen? April 24 2004
How big was it? A diameter of 20 in.
Where did it happen? Haleyville, US

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Two Owners, Two Companies, And A Lot of IT Headaches

By: David H. Freeman
April 3, 2012
7:00 AM

      I agree with them, using 30 computers is hard work. What I found interesting is that they made a small      business by themselves. I think it was amazing that they got their work done so fast. The two of them started this business a couple years ago and they had great ideas such as the mint water. What I found interesting is that they had 30 computers, a dozen smart phones, and a couple internet routers and they still survived. I think it was really interesting.

Does The iPad Have One Button Too Many?

By: Nick Bilton
April 2, 2012
10:55 AM

      I think that Nick is right. That button always gets in the way. What I liked about his article is that he tells us his opinion and that is alright. A couple weeks ago Nick had thought about this. What he is asking is that Apple should change the iPad, iPhone, etc. They should change it and make the screen bigger. He is talking about this in New York. I think it was interesting because every person has the right to speak out if something is wrong. He is talking about this because he is not satisfied with the button and he wants Apple to change it. I wonder what would happen if Apple stops making all these gadgets because of all these complaints. It would be interesting to see what happens in the future.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Vijay Kumar- Robots That Fly And Cooperate

      The movie is about how using the basic system of airplanes, we can create robots that fly. It uses four rotors to fly and it can make a map of the area. They can fly together as a group and can work together to pick up objects and make objects using pieces. It has a camera built into it so it see the environment it is in and can travel from point A to point B. It can go around and through certain objects. In the video, a man throws a hoop into the air and the robot goes through perfectly. This invention relates to information technology because Vijay Kumar used a camera and computers to download memory into it. He was able to install a GPS in it and that is amazing. The best thing about the robots are that they made a music video and they played musical instruments. It is truly amazing! You should watch it!